Some Principles and Techniques to Develop Students' Oral Speech Competence in Teaching English
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target language
transactional speaking
intersectional speaking

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Baxodirovna, T. O. . (2022). Some Principles and Techniques to Develop Students’ Oral Speech Competence in Teaching English. Spanish Journal of Innovation and Integrity, 9, 73-77. Retrieved from


Since language is the primary medium of human communication, it plays a crucial role in our daily lives. The most crucial aspect of an EFL course is frequently thought to be speaking abilities. The most important talent in learning and teaching other languages is the capacity to talk because it is the fundamental for a conversation. Speaking is one of the useful abilities, which is proof of a student how proficient they are in a language. Furthermore, speech is used for a lot of the communication. In other words, if one does not become proficient in speaking, learning that language is still incomplete. Speaking can be seen as the most typical method of communicating with others, and being able to communicate effectively is a fundamental skill that should be prioritized in English education. (Azadi 2015) In addition to listening, reading, and writing, speaking is one of the four fundamental abilities in learning a foreign language. Typically, EFL students don't use the language in real-world contexts. They are unable of effectively and appropriately communicating. As a result, students lose confidence in their ability to communicate with native English speakers and avoid doing so. (Oradee 2012).

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