Ray Bradbury - A Magician and Teller of Tales.
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Tuyboyeva, S. ., & Bobokhodjaeva, Z. . (2022). Ray Bradbury - A Magician and Teller of Tales. Spanish Journal of Innovation and Integrity, 12, 200-203. Retrieved from http://sjii.indexedresearch.org/index.php/sjii/article/view/652


Science fiction is a genre in which scientific knowledge is used as a basis for imaginative fiction. The 19th century French writer, Jules Verne, is often seen as the father of science fiction. Later in the century H.G. Wells explored the themes of time travel as well as space travel and wrote about an invasion from Mars. From the beginning of the 20th century science fiction started to become popular. Ray Bradbury the very person and the writer who contributed to science fiction as much as he could. His name would appear at the top of any list of major science fiction writers of the 20th century besides Isaac Azimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert A. Heinlein. Martians, robots, dinosaurs, mummies, ghosts, time machines, rocket ships, carnival magicians- they are all can be read in Ray Bradbury’s valuable works. He is one of the first writers who urged the students to use fantastical metaphors to describe everyday human life that’s why his books are still being taught in schools. Ray Bradbury called himself a teller of tales and a magic realist. He also claimed to remember everything- every book he had read, every movie he had seen. All those memories and a big imagination served him as materials for the fiction and poetry he had been writing for more than fifty years. Bradbury’s works are full of childhood imaginings, fantasies, and nightmares- portraits of Venus and Mars, time travel, ageless children, never-ending rains. By giving strange colors to everyday objects and events, Ray Bradbury challenges his readers to look at them as if for the first time. As a writer he lets readers see science through the excited eyes of children.

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